Calbrandt’s Low Dog Railcar Movers can be used for loading or unloading applications and are used to move railcars in facilities around the world.
· Cylinder driven or chain driven.
· Can be configured as a Progressor, Indexer or Indexer/Progressor.
· Can be configured for reversing or single direction.
· Pushes or pulls low down on the railcar truck frames (bogie frames).
· The maximum allowable force on a low dog carriage is 30,000 pounds on one side of a railcar.
· When the Indexer is placed on both sides of the track and pushing together the forces can be increased to 60,000 pounds.
· The maximum allowable force when on one side of an empty railcar is limited to 7,500 lbs. When on both sides of an empty, the force is limited to 15,000 lbs.
· Speeds are from 25-60 FPM.
· Can be configured as single direction or reversing.
· When configured as a “Ratcheting Indexer”, it pushes on only one side of the railcar, in increments of approximately 15 feet per cylinder stroke. The cylinder pushes (3) dog carriages and “Ratchet Indexes” the railcar forward one railcar length in 4 cylinder strokes.
· As an Indexer, it can be mounted on just one side, or on both sides of the rail. With an Indexer, there is a push forward, and then a pause as it retracts for the next push forward. If mounted on just 1 side, the maximum push is 30,000 lbs. If it is mounted on both sides, the maximum is 60,000 lbs.
· When configured as a Progressor, it pushes on both sides – alternating from one side to the other for a continuous motion. Each cylinder pushes (2) dog carriages. The maximum push is 30,000 lbs. (from one side at a time).
· When configured as an Indexer / Progressor it is mounted on both sides of the rail. Each cylinder pushes (3) dog carriages. It operates as a Progressor when loads are less than 30,000 lbs. When loads exceed 30,000 lbs., it automatically switches to Indexer mode – pushing on both sides of the railcar at the same time. This configuration brings the advantages of an Indexer and Progressor in one machine – continuous motion for faster spotting speeds when the load is lighter, and more force when the load increases. It automatically can switch from Progressor mode to Indexer mode, or from Indexer mode to Progressor mode.
· Can be configured as single direction or reversing.
· Chain Driven Low Dog Railcar Movers are typically configured as an Indexer.
The Indexer can be mounted on just one side of a railcar, or if loads are greater, it can be designed to be mounted on both sides of a railcar. If mounted on just one side, the maximum push is 30,000 lbs. If it is mounted on both sides, the maximum push is 60,000 lbs.
· A Chain Driven Low Dog Railcar Mover can also be designed as an Indexer/Progressor. An Indexer/Progressor is both an Indexer and a Progressor. When forces are less than 30,000 lbs., it operates as a Progressor—pushing on one side, then the other for a continuous motion. When forces are greater than 30,000, it automatically operates as an Indexer, pushing on both sides at the same time. In Indexer mode, it can push up to 60K on a fully loaded railcar. This configuration brings the advantages of an Indexer and Progressor in one machine – continuous motion for faster spotting speeds when the load is lighter, and more force when the load increases. It automatically can switch from Progressor mode to Indexer mode, or from Indexer mode to Progressor mode.
· Chain Indexers drives are hydraulic motors with gear reducers.
· Chain Indexers typically move the length of one railcar in one continuous stroke. They can be designed with longer strokes (length of multiple railcars).
Application Notes:
· Calbrandt’s Low Dog Railcar Movers can be mounted on rail ties or a concrete foundation. They can be used for Loading or Unloading applications.
· Progressors are typically used to save time to spot the next railcar, and/or to spot multiple railcars at the same time.
(e.g.: spot 4 railcars for loading 4 cars at 4 load spouts at the same time